Tuesday, September 27, 2011

breaking apart

These are my "breaking apart" method photoshop pieces. If i could do something differently, i would have chosen a picture with a black background, and i would rate this with a 3 out of 5 because i got impatient and i didn't give it my best effort. This piece took much longer than i thought it was, and my favorite part was adding the texture. over all this class is going well, however i have been slowing doen in progress.....

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Stylized Karacter

this is my stylized character project. It was easier than i thought, and it didnt take as much time. My favorite part about this project was the ability to make it look like the piece is airbrushed. I would rate this project 4 out of 5 because it is so vauge, but that makes it difficult. The hardest part for me was making the outline ready to color in, and if i could do this project again, i would have used the pen tool

Friday, June 24, 2011

Invisible House Wife

This is my try at "invisible house wife"
During this unit i learned how to use the Clone stamp" tool. This makes me able to create and image by using surrounding images. It was a lot harder than i thought it would be, and it was surprisingly hard to find a picture that would work. It didnt turn out quite how i wanted it to, i still feel like some places look fake. I did take a lot longer than i thought it would, there were many times in the beginning where I had to start over because i was unhappy with the start of it. If i did it again i would probably choose a better picture, and not use a person.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Just For fun

In my spare time ive transformed my friend will into David Bowie in his Ziggy Stardust outfit

Swapping faces

In my first attempt at "swapping faces" I had to put a mans head on the body of a young girl.
I learned that making the colors of the two skin tones match may be the most tedious step, but it turned out to make the photo look realistic. It was a lot easier than i had expected. It did turn out like i thought it would. on a scale of one to ten, id rate it a 9, because it looks a lot like the original photo, but it still needs some work. I am most proud of my second try, the married couple, though i think it still needs some work.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Second try at morphing creatures

This is my second try at the "morphing creatures". It turned out a little bit better than i expected. The pictures look pretty good together. It didnt take as long as i thought it would the second time, but its probably because i didnt watch the video this time. Im very proud that i found the pictures, the angles work so well together. I would rate my creativity highly, maybe a 7, because i didnt do a flying pig, or anything cliche like that. This class in general is going very well, i really like the creative flexibility.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Merging Creatures first try

This was my first attempt at Merging Creatures and I think it went really well. There were a lot of steps that were so tedious and I thought they'd make little or no difference in the final product. It surprised me when those time consuming steps really made all the difference. They would help show detail, or enrich the color, and all together they really made the final product come out great. Im most proud of the way the image looks exactly like the example. I know its important to make original pieces, but because this was more about learning the technique then creating a composition, I think that its important that I am able to make my product look like the original. My work did turn out like I thought it would, though I didnt go through the steps I thought I would. My favorite aspect of this project is how it is hands on and you create something in the end. I, however, did not like how the video instructor  did a lot of talking and was not strait to the point. On a scale of one to ten i would rate this project a 9, i love the flexibility of the project and the creative aspect.